This April co-sign and FairPlay have teamed up with NYC’s Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment to bring some radio flavor to New York Music Month’s Extended Play Programming. We’ve got a great crew from our area’s NonCommercial Radio Stations (WFUV, WBGO, WNYC, WFMU) to talk about how we can better serve our communities, and grabbed amazing creatives from all different walks (Hot97, The Lot, WNYC, Affirmative Reaction) to discuss our responsibilities beyond the mic. And to top it all off, we recruited some LEGENDS to talk about the birth of Hip-Hop and the role this amazing city (DJs, radio stations and beyond) played in making it the global culture it is today.
From Jessica Weber, Owner / Founder of co-sign: “hi people! there’s information about each of the panels we’ve organized here – https://mailchi.mp/co-sign.com/nymm-panels?e=%5BUNIQID – just scroll down. there’s also links to register to each! please hit me if you have any questions though! the image attached is for the panel happening the 8th – this week Thursday, btw!”