December Monthly Round-Up!

December Monthly Round-Up!

Statement from CEO Richard James Burgess:

Congratulations to all of our members who have recordings nominated for the 59th Annual Grammy awards. We are proud to announce that independent labels garnered 67% of the 420 nominations, the highest number yet. This is the seventh year in a row that independent labels have received a majority of the Grammy nominations proving, yet again, that independent labels are able to attract the very best artists, make great records, and consummate hits.

Additionally, here is a fascinating report that shows the true economic impact of copyright industries to the U.S. economy and on the employment of American workers.

Behind The Scenes

  • As you all know by now, A2IM is losing our amazing coworker Jen Masset. Where she is going will be announced come the new year!
  • Patrick hosted a successful town hall meeting with our members at Spotify offices with Troy Carter and Rob Harvey in NYC, and is working on another in LA next week!
  • We also welcomed a couple new members: Music World Entertainment, LANDR, & MISRA!
  • Marcus has locked in the Playstation Theater for the 2017 Libera Awards!! Look for exciting information soon 🙂
  • Sheryl is busy being a rockstar and working with our Indie Week committee to make 2017 our best year yet
  • Sky has been actively setting meetings with brands to educate them on the A2IM membership & work together on potential partnership opportunities in 2017
  • Keep an eye out for the Libera Awards Submission process will be coming up in the next week or so – Speaking of, do you know who you’re going to nominate yet?
  • Alex has just set up on Pacific Northwest Chapter event for February 2017! Make sure to RSVP here!
  • We had three very successful A2IM Holiday Parties, so thank you to all that came out! It’s always incredible to see our community come together
  • Want to see all of our day to day happenings? Check our Twitter for constant updates!

Events Coming Up 

News Recap

  • A2IM and the Music Community sent a letter to EU Ambassador Gardner, asking to uphold and support the interests of the creative music community.
  • The Copyright Office issued a final rule governing the designation of agents to receive notifications of claimed infringement under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) effective as of December 1, 2016.
  • A2IM held a successful LA SynchUp event last month at Hopeless House!
  • Korrect are offering an Autumn special pricing to any A2IM Member considering changing their royalty software with our usual turnover-based service fee being reduced by 25% for all A2IM Members.
  • CI is offering free service to enable you to deliver your content to Spotify using their platform so that the independent sector is not disadvantaged by Global Media Bank’s (‘GMB’) unplanned withdrawal of service.
  • A2IM is looking for topics and suggestions for our Indie Week panels. We want to hear from you so we can make sure Indie Week 2017 is our best yet.
  • The Media & Entertainment (M&E) sector report aims to stimulate thinking and activity about trade opportunities, job creation, and the U.S.’ unique contributions to culture. Read the full report here.
  • The New Phoenix center economic study demonstrates that alleged promotional effect doesn’t provide a basis for the federal law to mandate the free use of music by the terrestrial radio broadcast industry. Further, any promotional effect is fully internalized in a marketplace bargain between the music and radio industries. Read more here.
  • Sneak attack Media released a guide on how to build an engaged fan base – who actually listens to your music – without going broke + losing your mind.
  • Rights’Up looks after 450+ independent record labels based in more than 20 countries, and they administer neighboring rights directly in 34 territories. They offer a premium service for conflicts resolution and retrievement of extra-retroactive revenues previously collected by third party. Learn more here.
  • CI are offering independent labels and distributors free delivery of content to Pandora.

Ask the CEO

Please feel free to submit your questions, here!

They will be answered in our next monthly round-up.

About A2IM:
A2IM is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit trade organization headquartered in New York City that exists to support and strengthen the independent recorded music sector. Membership currently includes a broad coalition of more than 700 Independently-owned American music labels. A2IM represents these independently owned small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) interests in the marketplace, in the media, on Capitol Hill, and as part of the global music community. In doing so, it supports a key segment of America’s creative class that represents America’s diverse musical cultural heritage. Billboard Magazine identified the Independent music label sector as 37.32 percent of the music industry’s U.S. recorded music sales market in 2016 based on copyright ownership, making Independent labels collectively the largest music industry sector.

Learn more about A2IM here.
For information about how to join our community, see here.