CALL TO ACTION: Support Fair Play Fair Pay

A2IM strongly supports the Fair Play Fair Pay Act and asks that you write your Member of Congress today to urge them to support this bill – which will provide a vital new royalty stream for artists and record companies and make the music economy work better for us all.

If enacted, the Fair Play Fair Pay Act of 2015 would establish a long overdue performance right for sound recording owners and artists for airplay on AM/FM Radio – something every other Western nation in the world does. In addition to compensating music investors when large for-profit companies use content to sell advertising, Fair Play Fair Pay would end the $100+ million/year lost in overseas royalties due to international reciprocity agreements.

We are at a critical moment.  Key members of Congress are considering supporting the bill, but the National Association of Broadcasters is sending its lobbyists to Capitol Hill in two weeks to try to stop them from signing on.  The NAB is also trying to get Members of Congress to sign on to a competing resolution which slanders pay for performers and copyright owners as a “performance tax.”

We need the diverse independent music community to stand up and be heard in support of the Fair Play Fair Pay Act.  If you have already written to Congress, please write again.  It only takes a few moments and is one of the easiest, most effective ways to fight to strengthen the music economy – for today’s creators and those who will come after us.

We would also appreciate it if you would please forward this message to and share it on social media with your friends who recognize independent music’s value.

About A2IM:
A2IM is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit trade organization headquartered in New York City that exists to support and strengthen the independent recorded music sector. Membership currently includes a broad coalition of more than 700 Independently-owned American music labels. A2IM represents these independently owned small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) interests in the marketplace, in the media, on Capitol Hill, and as part of the global music community. In doing so, it supports a key segment of America’s creative class that represents America’s diverse musical cultural heritage. Billboard Magazine identified the Independent music label sector as 37.32 percent of the music industry’s U.S. recorded music sales market in 2016 based on copyright ownership, making Independent labels collectively the largest music industry sector.

Learn more about A2IM here.
For information about how to join our community, see here.