Featured Executive: Tom Moore, Dots Per Inch Music

Tom Moore founded and runs Dots Per Inch Music (DPI), a New York City record label established in 2016. DPI has brought an eclectic mix of acts to acclaim, such as the confrontational pop of Grace Ives, the erotically charged noise of Model/Actriz, and the ineffable ‘devotional’ pop music of LUCY (Cooper B Handy). Between this experience and the thousands of shows Moore has produced in NYC and beyond, his praxis in music is holistic and interventionist in a playful way.

Tell us about how you got your start in the music industry, and how it lead to the work you do today

My first job in music was booking undergound shows, but the first employer I had in music was Cantaloupe Music/Red Poppy (a classical/avant-garde label based in Brooklyn). I was a music publishing intern. Cantaloupe Music wast started by Bang on a Can, an artist-run events programmer famous for their marathon concerts that were 24 hours of continuous music, therefore designed to allow for walking out of performances that didn’t interest the listener. A bold idea in classical circles. This also allowed the listener to return once a new piece had started, always without intermission. Playful ideas like that really inspire me and I still admire those folks even though we are no longer in touch. My first real paycheck in music was probably from the venue I now help run, Baby’s All Right.

Is there a success story or career milestone that you are most proud of?

There are so many that it is hard to identify just one, but I deeply look forward to having my own office.

Are there any projects you’re working on or company updates that you’re most excited about?

DPI’s latest signing, fantasy of a broken heart, is making some of the most ambitious and catchy music I have ever heard. May Rio is breaking every rule and releasing rearrangements of her own music (which Rolling Stone has already caught on to). Amiture finally got the critical acclaim they deserved back in February and have one of the best live sets in New York right now. It is incredible to feel this momentum while also seeing label alum reach new heights.

Outside of your work in music, do you have any other hobbies/ particular areas of expertise/interest

I have strong opinions on other people’s living rooms and I like to tell stories at bars.

Anything else to add? (Whether words of wisdom for other up and comers, a track that’s dropping soon

It startles me how few people in the recorded music business feel genuinely at ease when in/using recording studios.The most valuable experience I have ever had was in learning how to make the studio serve artists’ visions. This is subjective and no user interface will ever render this issue obsolete. Find the best engineers/producers that are also pleasant to hang out with. Otherwise, all your records will suck even if they sound good.

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About A2IM:
A2IM is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit trade organization headquartered in New York City that exists to support and strengthen the independent recorded music sector. Membership currently includes a broad coalition of more than 700 Independently-owned American music labels. A2IM represents these independently owned small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) interests in the marketplace, in the media, on Capitol Hill, and as part of the global music community. In doing so, it supports a key segment of America’s creative class that represents America’s diverse musical cultural heritage. Billboard Magazine identified the Independent music label sector as 37.32 percent of the music industry’s U.S. recorded music sales market in 2016 based on copyright ownership, making Independent labels collectively the largest music industry sector.

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