Associate Member Spotlight – Independent Record Pressing

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Independent Record Pressing was founded in 2015 in Bordentown, NJ by Dave Hansen (formerly General Manager of Epitaph) and Darius Van Arman, Ben Swanson, & Chris Swanson (from the Secretly Group) with the vision to have a plant that supports and presses for independent labels.

The plant started with 6 vintage Hamilton Presses made in the late 70s/early 80s. As new presses started to be manufactured, we partnered with Viryltech in Canada and purchased 6 new Warmtone Automatic Presses.

Today we have a total of eight -12″ presses in the weights of 140-180g pressing some of the most important and highly regarded albums in the world. Independent has pressed Bon Iver, The National, Angel Olsen, The Menzingers, Brittany Howard, Radiohead, Tom Waits, Bad Religion, Jim James, Sufjan Stevens, and many more.

Independent’s goal is to super service indie labels by manufacturing the best possible vinyl LPs and package and deliver with the kind of care and attention that artists and labels put into creating their albums.   We pride ourselves on superior customer service by being responsive and transparent with realistic turn and delivery times.    We strive to be the “go-to” plant for independent labels by making the highest quality records and being the easiest to work with (we even know how to ship to Direct Shot without getting an RIR).

Despite being one of the new plants in the market, the plant already has a rich history in vinyl manufacturing with over 100 years of combined experience in manufacturing, distributing and selling albums.

Check out the video below to see the making of the latest Brittany Howard.

We are offering first time customers who are A2IM members a “new customer” discount on their first orders.   For more information and pricing, please contact [email protected].     You can also contact us by going to


About A2IM:
A2IM is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit trade organization headquartered in New York City that exists to support and strengthen the independent recorded music sector. Membership currently includes a broad coalition of more than 700 Independently-owned American music labels. A2IM represents these independently owned small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) interests in the marketplace, in the media, on Capitol Hill, and as part of the global music community. In doing so, it supports a key segment of America’s creative class that represents America’s diverse musical cultural heritage. Billboard Magazine identified the Independent music label sector as 37.32 percent of the music industry’s U.S. recorded music sales market in 2016 based on copyright ownership, making Independent labels collectively the largest music industry sector.

Learn more about A2IM here.
For information about how to join our community, see here.