Pioneering audio technology company MQA calls for innovation-led solutions to create a more sustainable music streaming ecosystem.

Written by MQA

MQA CEO Mike Jbara joined !K7’s founder Horst Weidenmüller on a panel at Indie Week 2022 to discuss the ethical consumption of music. Moderated by Blue Elan’s Mary Jurey, the session’s key messages were education and collaboration, underlined by an urgency for action.


To raise awareness around sustainability we need to start with facts and information, and that extends to labels educating their artists. Musicians can be powerful agents for change, and the organisation Music Declares Emergency has very clear messaging ‘No Music On A Dead Planet’ to mobilise artists.
Related to this, as consumers become more aware of the climate emergency, they may choose one streaming service over another, depending on the service’s sustainability credentials.


The wider industry must come together to tackle scope 3* emissions and push for innovation. In the UK, the video streaming sector has set up a membership organisation called Greening of Streaming to reduce the sector’s carbon footprint. Companies who would otherwise view themselves as competitors are actively collaborating to measure the impact of video streaming; find engineering-led solutions to increase efficiency; and share best practice.

* These are indirect emissions caused by activities from assets you don’t own or control 

To find out more about sustainability relating to music streaming, visit or contact [email protected]